Friday, 4 November 2016

Friday Feeling: Album of the Week

rljlowe | Album of the Week

Another week, another album. It's getting so difficult to pick new albums to listen to, I've started to go into the "unknown/dreading" pile, which I'm hoping all pleasantly surprises me! This week is no exception, I actually listened to this album longer than a week just because I wasn't ready to switch CDs just yet...

This week I've been listening to:

I was putting off this album for as long as I could, just because I knew it was wildly different from the opening track, "Take Me to Church" and I wasn't sure I'd enjoy the following tracks. If you're expecting the whole album to be along the same vibe as "Take Me to Church", you really need to empty your mind from this idea otherwise you'll be disappointed.

I tried to go in with an open mind which actually worked for the most part. The first time I listened to the album through I absolutely hated it, I felt that the opening track was misleading and was so different from the rest of the Hozier, it just sounded out of place. Upon second listening, I still felt the same about "Take Me to Church" but once you remove the remainder of the album away from that, you get quite a beautiful Soul/Folk/Indie/Blues album. It sounds bizarre but honestly works.

My favourite track on Hozier has to be "Jackie and Wilson" - it's light hearted, has a catchy vocal melody and captures the essence of Hozier's complete musical style. Although, I do love to sing the harmonies in "In a Week", they're so beautiful.

My Mum loves this album and I can understand why, it certainly grew on me and I'll probably listen to it again quite happily. Check out the full album below.

Will you be checking this album out?

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